Grayson's World

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Only One Month Left!

On Sunday Grayson turned 11 months. I decided to take him to Clay Terrace to have some lunch and get out and enjoy the weather. We had a great time as usual! Later that day, we went and got a few new toys. We love the toys around here! Grayson's new thing is to feed me. He likes sharing his food with Mommy.

Monday was a big day also. Grayson's buddy Jack came over for some lunch and to play! They seemed to have fun like they always do! It is funny watching the boys play. No matter what, they always want what ever the other has.

Tuesday, Grayson and I went to the YMCA again for open gym. He just loves it. He mind is on overload! There is so much going on and all kinds of kids...every where! He was exhausted this evening when it was bedtime!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Playing Basketball

Grayson had a new adventure today. He went to the YMCA for open gym. It is for the little ones, up to age two. He loved it! He was enthralled by the basketball and the big huge mats! All the children, he couldn't get away from me fast enough to check out everything and everyone. His buddy Jack was there also!! Jack has become quite a walker. Grayson walks along the walls and furniture and from toy to toy. He's not quite ready to let go yet but you can tell he wants to so bad. He has gotten so good at pushing his 'Walk Behind' toy. Grayson started crying when it was time to go at the YMCA. He was wired after we left, too much excitement. He likes looking at the little girls. What a flirt he is. After playing at the YMCA, we went to Qdoba with Kriste and Jack for some lunch.

Yesterday, our neighbors Ginger and her daughter Holly came over to visit. Holly is two. Grayson just adored her. He wanted to sit with her and follow her all around. He even smiled from ear to ear when she came up to him. Marc and I were amazed because we have only seen him do that to us. It was pretty cute!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

First Pair of Stride Rite Shoes

Tuesday was a big day for our boy. It was cold and rainy so we went to Babies R US for a few things and then to the mall. Grayson got his first pair of fitted shoes. They measured his feet and tried on his shoes, then mommy took him over to the mirror to look at him self with them on. They are so cute! The new thing for baby shoes is the soft sole. Doctor's say it is best for their feet unlike the hard shoes we wore when we were babies. Things change and just keep getting better. Daddy and I picked out Grayson's shoes. Of all times, I always have my camera on me but not that day. Luckily, they take pictures and print them right there for you. They know how special 'The First Shoes' are to parents. I remember getting shoes from there when I was a little girl. As we were leaving the store, I heard the other moms say, "O-how cute, was that his first pair of shoes?'" Grayson has Robeez shoes which are very good also but not big boy shoes like his Stride Rite shoes!

Here are some pictures of our early morning walks, trying out our new shoes. He is fascinated by them. Grayson's new thing is counting. He thinks it is so funny and tries to hold his fingers up for the numbers boy he is.

Monday, September 18, 2006

More Great Photos of Branson

Grayson wanted to drive us home but first, he needed his glasses. Does this look like a great time or what!

Does It Have To End!

Looking back, we had such a great time. Some day we can share with Grayson all the wonderful memories we made together. It could not have been any better. Marc and I got to actually watch some movies together after our little one went to bed and sit and share some much needed quality time(no animals to feed or chores to do). Just plain old fun and relaxation!! I think Grayson had a great fist vacation! We could just see it on his face. He was so excited every morning when he awoke thinking, "What new adventure are we going to have today?" The ride home was much better, just in time for bed! Our wonderful neighbor took great care of our house and animals. A friend of mine stopped over too. We missed our animals but had fun in the meantime. We shall miss the Ozarks!

The Old and The New

We ventured through new Branson, now it was time to look at 'Historic Branson.' We spent an afternoon walking through all the small, family owned shops downtown. Everyone was really nice and friendly. They all thought Grayson was adorable! We ate at this place called the Farm House, good home cooked food and then off to The Fudge Shop! More Candy!!! Yea!

When we got back to our condo, more walking in the mountains and taking time to smell the flowers!

Amazing Fountains

We also went to a new outside mall in Branson, even nicer than Clay Terrace. The shops were better also. They had a huge fountain on the lake that shot out fire in the evening, I have never seen anything like it. It was the center attraction of the mall. Grayson's eyes were fixed on it. The mall also had a neat play ground where Grayson thought he would try rowing the boat. He got all kinds of stuff at the mall. We also went to an outlet mall where he struck it big! Would you call that spoiling... but it's his first vacation!

Barbecue Anyone

We found this wonderful restaurant that specialized in barbecue! Great Food! Grayson had a bit of a grilled cheese. Marc and I both had fabulous meals! They also had shopping right next to it...imagine that! We got some fudge while walking through the stores. Grayson got to look at a huge water mill. He couldn't stop staring. He saw so many neat things! It is his first for many of the things he saw. We love to watch his face.

Exploring Branson

As the week began, we found lots to do and accomplish. We took our regular morning walks every day like at home but in the mountains. It was chilly in the morning but the sun always warmed up the mountains as the morning would pass. It was so refreshing. Grayson decided he wanted to go on carries (as we called them) instead of walks. We figured it was vacation. If that was the worst well than we were pretty lucky. He loved spending an entire week with Daddy. He preferred Marc over me. I am just the old shoe, he sees me every day. He was a Daddy's boy the entire week! He slept like a rock, his regular 12 hours and then his 2 naps! We are blessed!

Grayson decided to go exploring throughout the condo. He thought the high chair was the best toy invented. He got into pots and pans, even better than any toys we brought. We tried to make the transition as easy as possible. We brought his projector/lullaby mobile, his blankets, toys and lovey(most importantly).

'Vacations All I Ever Wanted'

We are home from our trip! We had such a wonderful time! It was better than I had ever expected. Grayson just loved every minute of it. We went to Branson Missouri and stayed in a condo in the Ozark Mountains. Marc and I have never been there so it was a first for all of us! Branson was beautiful. The drive there was a bit long and hard but we made it! On Sunday, the day after arriving, we hung out at the pool and relaxed from our long journey. Grayson loved the water fall at the pool. You know how our boy just loves that water.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Big Red Fire Engine

Grayson had another exciting day. We ate lunch at Paradise. Grayson had a quesadilla from Qdoba. He just loves those. We visited our two favorite stores. Daddy took Grayson around to all the toys and played with them. Grayson really like to puppets. While we were at Clay Terrace, the Carmel Fire Department was also so Grayson got to look at the fire truck up close. He looked at it with amazement! I can't imagine what must have been going through his mind! Today was a great day to enjoy being outside. While Marc mowed the grass, Grayson and I walked around the neighborhood and then decided to swing for a bit. Before we knew it, the day was over! Time flies when you are having fun!

Trying Out The Clothes Hamper

Grayson wanted to try the clothes hamper for comfort! It was fun!! So much fun that he didn't want to get out of it. Yesterday, Grayson saw a bunch of ducks out at the pond in our neighborhood. There were so many. He decided to talk to them. Other breaking news, Grayson has developed another tooth. It is on the top, in the front of his mouth. It is barely poking it's way through! I guess I should be glad he is self weaning with all those teeth he is getting. Ouch! He has been very good though with not biting. He will still nurse in the morning and that's it for him. Grayson's friend Jack is beginning to walk! Wow! That is exciting. Today, we are going to Clay Terrace to eat, walk around and shop a bit. Grayson is getting very excited for his first vacation! We will be leaving on Saturday. Lots to pack and remember to bring along!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Watch Me Play

Grayson loves his play time! He love his box that his toys are in. He enjoys dumping it and fillling it back up. Today, he was laying across it and pulling things out from upside down. He's a character! He enjoys climbing and trying to squeeze himself into any small space that will allow. He is becoming so independent! He wants to be a big boy and has decided that nursing is for babies! He is done with that. It was my hopes to nurse him until he was one. He enjoys his bottle now.

Baby Got Back

How about the weather lately? Is it great or what! We have enjoyed our morning walks a lot more the past few days. We even had to put on jackets! Grayson has been wearing pants lately. His little butt looked so cute in these Gap pants, I had to take a photo. He inherited a flat butt from his parents. Lucky boy! Well one of Grayson's new things is pulling off his diaper on the changing table. He looks at me too while he is doing it just to see my expression. He knows he is not suppose to do that therefore, he thinks it is funny! He also has a red play phone that he enjoys holding up to our ears. We talk to it like some one is there. That is just to exciting for our son. He's just a riot! Where did he learn that? Must be from daddy, he is always on that phone!