Grayson's World

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Life from a different view

Grayson has been enjoying life from the up side down view. He was excited to visit Grandma the other day at her work. He ran into every room throughout the entire office building. He loved all the ladies and the attention he got from them. He clapped for his audience, now if we can teach him to take a bow! Grandma went to lunch with us. Grayson was pleased with his grilled cheese. He is still growing so fast! He just got new shoes last month but I think we need to have him measured again! I guess we will have to visit Stride Rite a little earlier than 3 months. Grayson has his 15 month appointment tomorrow. He is due for another round of shots, 4 I believe. Poor baby!!! At least he gets another book at his well visit.


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