Grayson's World

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hide and Seek Any one!

Grayson has been into hide and seek lately as you can see from the photos. All that play can be exhausting, sometimes Grayson takes a break on some soft pillows. He is so cute when he plays. We count and he runs through the house just laughing and giggling until we come and find him. I had forgotten how much fun that game can be. Today we went to the library for story time. Grayson thought the story room was really neat. Today the story was about brushing your teeth, something Grayson is very familiar with. He was more interested in exploring the room. He especially liked the small chairs and table just his size. He spent most of story time running around the room touching everything! Then he discovered he could push the chairs followed by trying to turn them over and that is when story time went from good to bad.

Grayson decided he was going to throw a fit since mommy would not let him turn the chairs over...mean mommy! He wants to do everything himself. He has become even more stubborn, I don't know where he gets that from. Hopefully next week will be better. We will just keep trying. He kept flirting with one of the little girls.

Thursday Grayson is going to a Valentines Day party at Palmer's house. We are looking forward to it! Last night we put Grayson's Valentines cards together and put them in the mail today! Just in time! Grayson has really grown this past month. He has shot up 2 in. !!! Our big boy!! No longer looks like a baby!!


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