Grayson's World

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

The big day has come and gone too fast. We wait so long for that wonderful time of the year and it's over in a flash. Celebrating the birth of Jesus and spending time with family and loved ones! Grayson had so much fun opening his gifts! He went around from toy to toy seeing what each one could do! He was exhausted when it was nap time from all the excitement. I had trouble sleeping the night before as usual! But this year was even more special...Celebrating as a family!! and the Santa playing!

My parents and Grandmother were supposed to came over for brunch. Unfortunately, Grandpa had to miss out on the brunch because he has been very ill. Poor Grandpa!!! At least the Grandmothers could come. Grayson was excited to have visitors! We had baked blueberry pancakes and quiche along with some fruit! It was wonderful! We stayed home that evening and I fixed Christmas Dinner. We had ham and baked cheesy potatoes along with green beans. What a feast!!

Our Christmas was wonderful. We couldn't have asked for anything more!! God has blessed us all in so many ways! Merry Christmas everyone!!! We will be sad to take down the tree this weekend. I think Grayson will be too. Every morning when we come down the stairs and he sees it all lit up, he gets so excited and runs over to it.


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