Grayson's World

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Still Here

Wow! It has been a while since our last update. Lets see... for about two weeks our little monkey has been under the weather. He got his first fever a couple of weeks ago. It got pretty high, about 102. He came down with the fever on a Friday, the night Marc and I were supposed to go to a Pacer game and set in fourth row seats. Marc went with a friend and had a great time. At least one of us got to enjoy the wonderful seats! Grayson started getting better and then it went into a sinus infection. He went to the doctor and was put on antibiotics. We are still waiting on more improvement. His mood seems better but lots of coughing and runny noses. We are to give it two more days and then call back so hopefully our baby will be on his way to recovery! On that note, we have decided not to enroll Grayson in any more classes until the flu season is over, meaning spring. Until then, we will just have to get creative during this cold weather. Grayson has gone on a few adventures around the house making the best of this sickness. He loves going through the bathroom cabinets and emptying all the towels. The stairs have become his new cardio workout! He is into knocking over all and I do mean ALL of his toys and watching them crash to the floor!

We are all getting ready for Turkey Day around here. We are going over to my parents for a bit. Afterwards, we will drive by Reynolds to show Grayson the lights. It is a big scene here in Fishers. Reynolds puts out a huge display very year. It is located right off the interstate by us. Marc is putting up our Christmas light tomorrow, then the tree this weekend. We are so excited, sharing all this with Grayson. I love decorating and celebrating, I hope Grayson loves it as much as we do! Happy Thanksgiving to every one!!!


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