Grayson's World

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Playing in the Leaves

Grayson was able to take a spin around the neighborhood in his wagon last week. He really enjoys his new wagon! We weren't sure what he would think of it but he did great! It finally warmed up. O- how we miss our walks! It is starting to really get chilly out! We put Grayson in the yard and let him set in the leaves and feel them. He loved how they crunched in his hands. He just laughed and kept grabbing for them one by one as they fell to the ground. We decided to take Grayson to Stride Rite for some new shoes again. This thing of his where he pulls off his shoes every five seconds was really wearing on me! We figured there has to be something better! I told Grayson now that it is getting cold out, he can no longer pull off his shoes and socks!!! Well, we found some rally cute shoes that lace up and cover his ankle. They are so cute and he seems to be pleased with them as well. As you can see from the photo, he wanted to make sure they were a right fit!


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