Grayson's World

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Little Pumpkin

Grayson had another big week. He is getting two more teeth for a grand total of! Let me tell you, he has been a bit grumpy as well. He misses daddy too with him working so much this past week, getting ready for the big opening. Grayson went to the YMCA play group on Tuesday. He was bouncing up and down on my hip when he saw the gym through the glass window. He loves it! On Friday, we enrolled him in Gymboree classes. We took a preview class first to see what it was like. It was really great and well organized. I am happy to say they have a strict sick policy, which is great! If your little one is sick or has a cold, you are not to bring them. There were all kinds of little kids all Grayson's age. Lots to climb on and cruise through. They had this great parachute that the little ones played in. We go back on Monday! Saturday was the private opening for Paradise so we went to see Daddy's new work and have some great food. Grayson was more than a hand full! Sunday, Grayson and I went to Barnes & Noble for some new books and then we were finally able to take a walk again!


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