Grayson's World

Friday, September 22, 2006

Playing Basketball

Grayson had a new adventure today. He went to the YMCA for open gym. It is for the little ones, up to age two. He loved it! He was enthralled by the basketball and the big huge mats! All the children, he couldn't get away from me fast enough to check out everything and everyone. His buddy Jack was there also!! Jack has become quite a walker. Grayson walks along the walls and furniture and from toy to toy. He's not quite ready to let go yet but you can tell he wants to so bad. He has gotten so good at pushing his 'Walk Behind' toy. Grayson started crying when it was time to go at the YMCA. He was wired after we left, too much excitement. He likes looking at the little girls. What a flirt he is. After playing at the YMCA, we went to Qdoba with Kriste and Jack for some lunch.

Yesterday, our neighbors Ginger and her daughter Holly came over to visit. Holly is two. Grayson just adored her. He wanted to sit with her and follow her all around. He even smiled from ear to ear when she came up to him. Marc and I were amazed because we have only seen him do that to us. It was pretty cute!


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