Grayson's World

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Trying Out The Clothes Hamper

Grayson wanted to try the clothes hamper for comfort! It was fun!! So much fun that he didn't want to get out of it. Yesterday, Grayson saw a bunch of ducks out at the pond in our neighborhood. There were so many. He decided to talk to them. Other breaking news, Grayson has developed another tooth. It is on the top, in the front of his mouth. It is barely poking it's way through! I guess I should be glad he is self weaning with all those teeth he is getting. Ouch! He has been very good though with not biting. He will still nurse in the morning and that's it for him. Grayson's friend Jack is beginning to walk! Wow! That is exciting. Today, we are going to Clay Terrace to eat, walk around and shop a bit. Grayson is getting very excited for his first vacation! We will be leaving on Saturday. Lots to pack and remember to bring along!


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