Grayson's World

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ten Months

On Thursday, Grayson turned 10 months! I can't believe how it has flown by. On Thursday, Grayson played outside a lot. He went to the park across from our house and then played outside with his neighbor friends, Palmer and Holly for a bit. They live a few houses down from ours. Daddy took Grayson on three walks that day!! He had a big day! He has gone through another growth spurt! He also makes the T sound now. He has no problem letting us know what he wants and just how he likes it! He just loves to feed himself!

Friday we went to Babies R Us and then to the mall to do some shopping and meet Kriste and Matt and Jack!! Grayson just loves Jack! They are so cute together! Grayson is now cruising along all the furniture! He is amazing to watch. He did something new the other day. At bath time, he stuck his face down in the water, right in front of me. I couldn't believe he had done that! He thought it was funny... not mommy!


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