Grayson's World

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Indiana State Fair

Grayson had a big day! Daddy came home early and we went to the State Fair! It was Family Day. We had such a great time! We ate when we got there. Afterwards we walked down the midway and over to visit the cattle barn. Next we saw horses. Grayson wasn't too sure about the horses. Finally, we saw the 'World's Largest Pig.' What fun! Grayson got his picture taken with a clown that gave him a sticker!! Yea! Before leaving the fair, we stopped off for some ice cream. We let Grayson try a little. He wanted to grab it! I am pretty sure he enjoyed it! When we got home, Grayson took his bath and was out like a light. He will probably dream about his visit to the fair.


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