Grayson's World

Monday, July 24, 2006

Nine Months and Counting

Wow! Today our boy is nine months. Grayson had a big day today. We took our regular morning walk and ate our morning snack out on the patio after we swang for a bit. After taking our morning naps, we went to visit Grandma Lyons and Great Grandma Callaway for a bit. We had lunch with them and then came back home. Grayson was getting tired again. Grayson is becoming demanding while I am eating. He wants what ever I have. He isn't allowed to have to many things I eat yet so I try to find something he can nibble on that fits in his diet. He wants to be like mommy and eat. Today Grayson said bye-bye. I truly believe he knew what he was saying. We have been working with him on waving and 'hi' and 'bye.' He has been saying mama and dada for awhile. He said mama before dada. He also love patty cake and peek-a- boo. He is so much fun!!! Grayson got a new toy when daddy got home. It is called 'monkey chase.' The monkey moves all around the floor, once Grayson catches it, the monkey spins around in the other direction.


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