Grayson's World

Monday, July 17, 2006

Feeling Better at Last

Yea for Monday! Our monkey boy is feeling better! We are so happy. We have a play date with Jack tomorrow and we didn't want to have to reschedule if Grayson was still sick today. We don't want Jack to catch his bug. The boys are going to finger paint tomorrow! I can't wait. It will be so fun! I am looking forward to seeing them play together.

It has been too hot lately. Grayson and I are only able to walk early in the morning due to the heat! We are keeping busy playing inside. He hasn't been on another bike ride or in his swing outside. Hopefully it will cool down for the weekend! Today we will try to swim for a bit on the back patio before the sun comes over the house. Marc and I actually get a date night this evening! Kriste is coming over to sit with Grayson. We are so thankful. We are going to see Pirates of the Caribbean! The excitement!


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