Grayson's World

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Boys Will Be Boys

On Friday Grayson went over to his friend Peyton's house. The boys had so much fun playing together. The two of them have not seen one another since they were very young, about 3 months. Sue and I had fun just watching the boys play. They are at that age now where interacting with one another is a whole new game! They would stare at one another and talk and reach out. Peyton had a table by Leap Frog that Grayson loved. I guess we will have to look into getting one of those now that Grayson has begun to pull himself up to things.

When we got home yesterday, Grayson had projectile vomiting. It was very scary. I didn't know where to begin with clean up. I was covered, the floor was covered and Grayson. It didn't seem to scare him though. We had to call the pediatrician to see if we should bring him in. The nurse said it sounds like he has a tummy virus. Our poor baby! Today has been a challenge. He is extremely fussy. He is happy one minute and crying the next. He loves the water so we took a couple of baths today. I know he just feels awful. We did venture out for a bit today. Huge mistake. Thank goodness we were close to home. We came home and put on our Spider Man pajamas. We went shopping for a bit and came home quickly. Grayson got another new book though. He loves the cardboard books. He can put those in his mouth. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for him.


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