Grayson's World

Thursday, July 06, 2006

What are You Doing Mommy!

Today I had a dental appointment and also brought home Grayson's first tooth brush. We haven't given it to him yet but we will over the weekend so he can check it out for himself. We want to make sure once that tooth comes in it gets brushed every day! Grayson use to look at me strange when ever my wet hair would be in a towel. He wasn't sure who I was! Now he just thinks I'm funny. He wanted to try a towel on his head too.

His personality is really blossoming! When he sees his swing in the morning, he starts to cry to let us know we better take him outside and put him in it. He also cries sometimes when we come inside, to let us know he would like to go back out. He mimics when we blow starburst at him. He loves it. He hates peaches! He will turn his head and refuse to eat them. Besides green veggies, that is the only thing we have found that he doesn't like. He eats pretty much any baby food we have presented to him. Today we tried chicken and apples. I always try everything first. It was actually pretty good!


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