Grayson's World

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Busy Bee

On Friday, Grayson and I went to Einstein Bagels and then off to the YMCA to meet Kriste, Matt and Jack. The boys swam for a while and loved it! I am so glad Grayson has a buddy who is so close to his age! The two of them just light up when they see one another. After swimming, we had some bagels and then we went home so Grayson could have his lunch and take his nap.

In the afternoon, I put him in his swing outside and he fell asleep! He is comatose in it. On Saturday, we went to see daddy at work and have some lunch. We surprised daddy. Grayson and Jack had fun making a mess on the tables! They are pretty cute!!!

Well, Grayson has made another huge leap!! I noticed his central incisor is coming through on the right side. It has just broken through the skin! It hasn't erupted completely but it is there. It makes me sad, it is going to change him. He's becoming such a big boy! Where did our tiny baby go?

I wanted to share a picture of Grayson jumping in his Jumparoo. He just squeals and laughs when he is in it!


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