Grayson's World

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Grayson had a big day on the Fourth. He went to Grandpa and Grandma Lyons' house to celebrate for a bit. We had to leave pretty early since Grayson goes to bed at 6:30. He was a bit overwhelmed by all the people. He has been around crowds quiet a bit but not everyone paying attention to him all at once. He didn't know what to think of that. He did good though. As long as Marc or myself were in close range and he could see us, he was fine! Grayson also danced for everyone and ate ( he loves his food). He is a sight to see when he eats. We hope everyone had a great holiday! Grayson did get woke up around 10:30 by all the noise. It sounded like a war zone outside. I went in his room and rocked him until it stopped and then he was ready to go back to 'sleepy town.'


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