Grayson's World

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Eating at the Mall and New Shoes

Grayson and I went to the mall yesterday to get some great buys on clothes for next year. We had to stop off at the Disney store for the boys! Yes, we found some goodies (Kriste and I). The boys have matching strollers, so cute! Grayson hasn't been eating as well with his new tooth coming in on the bottom. He mad up for the morning while he ate with Jack! He is also getting harder to nurse. He is so nosy. He's afraid he might miss something while he is eating! We shall see how it goes once the new tooth is completely in.

Grayson saw some Baby Einstein shoes in the Disney store he kept grabbing for so I bought them. He doesn't want to wear them, just play with them! Here are some pictures of Grayson and Jack eating and Grayson playing with his new shoes.


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