Grayson's World

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Keeping Busy

Grayson is still feeling a bit under the weather. I feel so bad for him even though he has passed on some of his illness to me. I guess this would be his first time being truly sick. I would say we are very lucky! On Friday we went to McAllisters and ate with Jack and Kriste, fun as always! Grayson wanted to read a magazine and destroyed it. He loved every minute! He is really on the move. He has gotten so fast, you can't take your eyes off him. We have the loft set up just for him and we keep in gated off but he can still bump that head of his! We stayed around the house a lot this weekend, enjoying the nice weather for once. We played outside, walking and swinging. We tried a new restaurant for lunch on Saturday. It was very good Italian food. Grayson enjoyed it also, leaving his trade mark of food all over the floor. I can't believe Grayson is going to be 9 month tomorrow! I am so sad that he is growing so quickly. Another reason I am so thankful I get to stay home with him. I can't imagine missing out on all of that!


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