Grayson's World

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Weekend Warriors

We are as usual, out and about doing our thing! Grayson had his first job last week. We took care of our neighbors cat Bonita while they were on a cruise in Alaska. Grayson thinks feeding her is part of our daily routine. He will be sad! We will just have to go over and visit in the mornings! We love our neighbors so! We had to visit daddy on Friday and meet our friends Kriste and Jack! Those boys of ours made a mess! It had been cooler out so we are able to take our afternoon walks and swing out on the porch. Yea! On Saturday Aunt Sarah came over for a bit. Grayson has not seen her in quite some time so I'm sure he enjoyed his visit. He has to play the warm up game though and then he is fine. On Sunday, we played outside a lot and went to Target to look for a new car seat. We want to get another before vacation. He is getting just about long enough to transition to the next size. We also picked up Jack's walker to try out. Grayson loved it! He actually threw a fit when I brought it in the house until we sat him in it. He was screaming and making himself choke he wanted it so bad! That is our drama boy. He just knew that was a new toy for him. Well, the walker is a hit! I made some blueberry pancakes Sunday morning, Grayson had to try them and loved it!! Imagine that! He couldn't get enough! We put them in his red bowl and Mr. Independent fed himself!


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