Grayson's World

Friday, July 28, 2006

Daddy Days!

Thursdays are always lots of fun around here. Marc is off and we spend the day hanging out with him! Grayson just adores daddy. When daddy gets home ( the highlight of the day), he lights up and just laughs! I guess after seeing me all day, I'm boring after awhile. They have the best time playing together. Yesterday Grayson and daddy played with Lamb Chop. We had lunch at Charlie & Barnies and that was Grayson's biggest mess yet! I was embarrassed. What's a mom to do? Grayson also got to ride the pony at Meijer...exciting!

Today we went to visit daddy at work and eat with Kriste and Jack! We love meeting them for lunch! Afterwards, we went shopping for a bit and off toward home for our afternoon nap!


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