Grayson's World

Monday, July 31, 2006

Sizzling Summer Days

Where shall we begin? Saturday Grayson and I went to the YMCA to swim for a bit. He just loves the water. He likes to go in the big pool so he can stretch out while I hold on to him like he is swimming. He moves his arms and kicks his feet. After his nap, he had some visitors, Grandma and Grandpa Lyons, Aunt Julie and Great Grandma Callaway. He showed everyone how he crawls and plays, going from toy to toy. What Fun!!! Macie, our dog, was excited to see everyone too.

On Sunday we went to Circle Centre and walked around. We ate lunch at Johnny Rockets! Grayson really enjoys getting out and about! We always try to get out each day between 11:00am and 1:00pm. Sundays are always fun too since we spend time with daddy!! Grayson's new cute thing he likes to do is play the chasing game. If we crawl after him and say, "I'm gonna get you," he just laughs and crawls away as fast as he can. Then, he will turn around and get us! It's amazing to already be playing little games like that with our baby boy!

Today, we went swimming again with Jack and Kriste before the sun began cooking every thing. We skipped walking today because the humidity was so bad. Hopefully it will cool down by the end of this week.


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