Grayson's World

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Balancing Act

Grayson has been so eager to play lately. He can't get enough! He wants to play so badly, eating is a chore! We started buying his 1st Birthday gifts...getting ready in advance. We also picked up a new car seat for our boy. We had planned on going to the fair on Thursday but it rained all day. We still had fun going to Babies R Us and Toys R Us. It has been beautiful out lately. Being outside is pleasant again. Grayson's vocabulary is widening with the C sound, B, and Da-Da and every so often Ma-Ma. He also said 'Bacoo' the other day... two syllables. Wow! He can turn pages in books and also lets go of the furniture while standing. He's amazing , that boy of ours! Today we met Matt and Kriste and Jack for lunch. It was entertaining!


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