Grayson's World

Monday, August 21, 2006

Playing with duck blanky

We had a great time this weekend! Grayson went to Lowes this weekend and helped us pick out some trees for the back yard. His favorite part was playing in the fountains outside! He loves the water. Daddy planted our trees last night! Yesterday was so beautiful! We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast, he loves those blueberries! Today Grayson and I went to Clay Terrace for lunch and then to The Children's Place and got some new clothes, shoes and hat!!! Fun! We had to stop at the toy store also and pick up another book. He sure loves to read. He even loves to turn those pages! Wow! When we got home , our Aunt Pam sent us a package in the mail! It was so neat! Grayson got another new book!!! It was Nathaniel's when he was little (Grayson's cousin.) Aunt Pam also sent him a new outfit and a book for mommy too! How Nice! She sends the best packages!! She lived in Germany for many years so getting packages from her was always fun!

Here is a picture of Grayson playing, "Where's Grayson." It is the blanket my good friend Candy, gave to him. It is very special also, it belonged to her son. It is hand made! He sleeps with it very night also!


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