Grayson's World

Monday, September 18, 2006

Exploring Branson

As the week began, we found lots to do and accomplish. We took our regular morning walks every day like at home but in the mountains. It was chilly in the morning but the sun always warmed up the mountains as the morning would pass. It was so refreshing. Grayson decided he wanted to go on carries (as we called them) instead of walks. We figured it was vacation. If that was the worst well than we were pretty lucky. He loved spending an entire week with Daddy. He preferred Marc over me. I am just the old shoe, he sees me every day. He was a Daddy's boy the entire week! He slept like a rock, his regular 12 hours and then his 2 naps! We are blessed!

Grayson decided to go exploring throughout the condo. He thought the high chair was the best toy invented. He got into pots and pans, even better than any toys we brought. We tried to make the transition as easy as possible. We brought his projector/lullaby mobile, his blankets, toys and lovey(most importantly).


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