Grayson's World

Monday, September 18, 2006

Does It Have To End!

Looking back, we had such a great time. Some day we can share with Grayson all the wonderful memories we made together. It could not have been any better. Marc and I got to actually watch some movies together after our little one went to bed and sit and share some much needed quality time(no animals to feed or chores to do). Just plain old fun and relaxation!! I think Grayson had a great fist vacation! We could just see it on his face. He was so excited every morning when he awoke thinking, "What new adventure are we going to have today?" The ride home was much better, just in time for bed! Our wonderful neighbor took great care of our house and animals. A friend of mine stopped over too. We missed our animals but had fun in the meantime. We shall miss the Ozarks!


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