Grayson's World

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Only One Month Left!

On Sunday Grayson turned 11 months. I decided to take him to Clay Terrace to have some lunch and get out and enjoy the weather. We had a great time as usual! Later that day, we went and got a few new toys. We love the toys around here! Grayson's new thing is to feed me. He likes sharing his food with Mommy.

Monday was a big day also. Grayson's buddy Jack came over for some lunch and to play! They seemed to have fun like they always do! It is funny watching the boys play. No matter what, they always want what ever the other has.

Tuesday, Grayson and I went to the YMCA again for open gym. He just loves it. He mind is on overload! There is so much going on and all kinds of kids...every where! He was exhausted this evening when it was bedtime!


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