Grayson's World

Sunday, October 01, 2006

On Monday after Marc got home from work (around 2:00) I went to visit Wendy and to see her new house. Grayson got to spend most of the day and all evening with Daddy!! They always have such a good time. Daddy is so creative and imaginative, Grayson just loves it! It is nice that Marc gets home so early from work since he has switched jobs. It has been a very positive move for the whole family!! He now works for a company called Paradise, a new up and coming franchise. We are blessed he had this opportunity.

Once I got to Monticello we all just hung out and visited. It was so nice to see the boys. I can't stress enough how big the boys have gotten! They are so sweet. They are just little gentlemen! I enjoyed talking with them about their day, school sports and of course....girls! Wendy has her house done up so nice! It looks like Wendy! I am so proud of her! Single mom, buying her own home...Wow! We ate at Arnie's afterward and then I left shortly after. I like my early bed time! Grayson and Daddy had a great evening also! I made it home safely. I forgot how long the drive is being so home bound with nursing it was nice to have some girl time for a bit but I missed my two favorite men!


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