Grayson's World

Monday, October 23, 2006

Getting through the week

Last week was a long one for everyone! I became sick early in the week and was down for a day and also lost my voice after all was said and done! Thank goodness the worst day was when Marc was off. He took care of Grayson all day so I could stay in bed after returning from the doctor's office. Marc enjoyed spending all day with Grayson. They went to Gymboree together. The next time Grayson returns, they get to wear their Halloween costumes to class!! What fun! Grayson and I ran errands later on that week to get ready for the big event on Sunday... his party!!! Yea! We went to Toys R Us and Target and Meijer. On Thursday afternoon, we stopped by Marc's work for lunch! Grayson had to make a huge scene because he could not understand why Daddy couldn't stop working to come over to him!! Poor baby. We gave Grayson some whole milk the other day to try. Once he is one, we can begin to introduce it to him. As you can see from the look on his face, he was not too happy about the change!


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