Grayson's World

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Grayson's Special Birthday Adventure

On Tuesday Grayson officially became one. He had a very special day to celebrate! Once he awakened from his morning nap the fun began. First we took him to Moe's (a Mexican grill in Fishers) to get a cheese quesadilla. He loves those! After eating lunch, we headed to The Children's Museum. He had so much fun, you could see it on his face. He was enthralled with the clock at the entrance and the glass sculptures. He liked all of the displays and the Play Scape. Play Scape was an area where he could get down and crawl and venture through on his own! We also went on the carousel. Wow! all the lights and music and animals to ride on... so much excitement! We saw trains and the new dinosaur exhibit. It was amazing. I have never seen any thing like it. It was like going back in time! When we completed all of our stops in the museum, we went over to the Haunted House connected to the museum. 'Friendly Hours' were all day so we figured we would be safe taking Grayson through. He loved it! It was just another adventure to him!! He cried when we left because he wanted to stay and play with the fairy and her bells. The museum was so much excitement Grayson decided to nap on the way to Toys R Us.

We had to stop by and let the Birthday Boy get his hat and balloon from Jeffrey and a couple of toys, like he needs any more! When we finally returned home, we had dinner and a special Puppy Dog Birthday Cake and sang and gave Grayson our gifts! We had some play time and put toys together and before we knew it was time for bath and bed. Like they say, time flies when you are having fun! Marc and I had as much fun as Grayson! It is a whole new world when you revisit these places for the first time with your child! It was a very special day for all of us!!! Celebrating the birth of our son!!! and our family!


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