Grayson's World

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Celebrating with Jack

Grayson had lunch with his buddy Jack on Wednesday. We all went to Moe's to celebrate their birthdays, even the Daddies got to join in on the fun! The boys just love those quesadillas so they were happy while us parents ate and watched the boys play. It was nice to see Kriste and Matt and Jack. We have all been sick here and there and have not seen one another in a while. The boys sat across from one another and shared faces and baby babble. Then, they opened their gifts...yea!!! Grayson got two new books. One was a Wiggles book. He loved it. He couldn't keep his hands off of it! Grayson and Jack are just nine days apart! Is that neat or what! Hard to belive our boys are one!!


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