Grayson's World

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Going to Grandpa's

Grayson had fun today. He went to visit with Grandpa Lyons. Grandma Lyons was jealous, she was at work. Grandpa stayed home form work today to put up Christmas lights. It's nice because we were able to stop by and play for a bit. It was all new territory for Grayson. New places to get into and explore now that he is on the move. He wore me out! Between going from room to room and looking at every cabinet, table, drawer etc. we both got a workout. Grandpa and Grandma bought a new high chair for Grayson. He tried it out and gave it the seal of Grayson approval!! It was nice. He'll be working hard on Thanksgiving to break it in well. Grayson introduced Grandpa to the Wiggles and danced for him during his favorite song, 'Rock a Bye Your Bear.' Grayson also showed Grandpa his new walking moves!

He began walking on the 19th of this month. Just a few days ago. He has been taking steps for awhile. Now he is doing about ten or so. It is funny to watch him. He gets a running start off the couch, lets go and walks across the room with his hands waving and laughing until he finally falls with this look on his face like, "What just happened?"

Grayson also got to visit with Great Grandma Callaway. Great Uncle Butch stopped by as well. He has never met Grayson so that was a treat! Well, Grayson had a really good day today. It was nice to get him out for a bit and most of all, visit with Grandpa. Grayson said it was even better than Gymboree!


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