Grayson's World

Sunday, December 03, 2006

What! No Power!!!

Well, after the big storm made it's way to Fisher's we lost our power. We were without for about 4 hours. We decided to pack up and go to Grandpa's house. Grayson had fun as usual,. destroying every room in the house. Lucky for us, the power returned around 4:00pm. We came home when Marc got off work. He wanted to make certain everything was working alright.

Grayson visited with his friend Peyton on Saturday. The boys had so much fun. Peyton came over to play for a bit and then we went for lunch. Peyton and Grayson are just about the same size now. Grayson is catching up. He was such a small guy in the beginning. It was great to see Sue and Peyton!!! We hope to spend some more time with them as Christmas grows nearer! Peyton and Grayson posed in front of the big Christmas Tree at ClayTerrace for a photo. Those stud muffins!!

Grayson is finally getting some hair. He actually wakes up with bed head some mornings. We laugh it looks so crazy!! He barely had any hair for so long. We think he is also getting a back tooth. We shall see soon enough!


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