Grayson's World

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Santa Visit

We took Grayson to see Santa at Clay Terrace. It is decorated so neat! Santa has a house that you must enter to see him. He sat next to the fire place in his big chair. Grayson took one look at Santa, the man in the big red suit and was mortified! He started crying and climbing up Marc he was so scared. We decided to skip on the visit this year and try next year when Santa makes his visit. We didn't want to scar him for life! We still had a good time. Grayson thought the big Christmas tree outside of Santa's house, was really pretty.

We put up our tree here at home. We are pleased to report that Grayson is doing extremely well with the tree. He loves to lay under it and stare at the lights. He actually talks and babbles to them. It is too cute! He is looking forward to Santa stopping by this year. As you can see from the photo, one of Santa's helpers stopped by for a visit the other morning and had breakfast. He resembles Grayson, don't you think!


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