Grayson's World

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Gobble Gobble!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to every one! We went to Grandpa and Grandma Lyons' house. So much food! Grayson loved sitting at the table with eveyone, the clown that he is. His favorite dish was fruit salad. Yummy Yummy he said. We all had a good time visiting. Grayson most of all, adventuring all throughout the house. Marc and I were exhausted when we got home. Grayson too, using up all that energy to roam about. Too many places to go and things to get into, tupperware and lots more!!! He was sure to let us know when it was time to go. He is our little alarm clock! After about two hours, he knew it was time to go by his internal clock. I think he was afraid he might miss out on his sleep. Hope all had a great day and ate lots of turkey!!!


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