Grayson's World

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Two More Days until Christmas!

Getting ready for the big day! We plan on doing some more baking these last few days. We love the sugar cookies around here and the first two batches I made are already gone. We have been pretty busy getting ready. I have been sick for a while now and found out I have pneumonia. Yuk! So just trying to get as much rest a s possible. Marc has been a huge help. Mom and dad have pitched in a lot too. Dad came and watched Grayson one morning for a bit and mom went and did some grocery shopping for us. Very generous of them! Marc went to the Colts game last week for Monday Night Football. Is he lucky or what! I was sick so I stayed at home, no fair!

Grayson went to his 12 month wellness appointment on Thursday. All reports are good. He is 25% in his weight and height but 75% for the circumference of his head. He weighs 22.9lbs. now! He is moving up. He got 3 shots and was not happy about that! But he also got a new book from the Dr.'s office, a Christmas book!!


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