Grayson's World

Monday, January 29, 2007

Good Helper

Grayson has become such a little helper. He loves those dishes and letting Macie out. I think it is the highlight of his day. As you can see, he loves to dance. He was born with rythm! He has been keeping busy. On Saturday we went with Grandpa and Grandma to Clay Terrace for lunch. We went to Daddy's work to eat. Grayson loves their grilled cheese and plus visiting Marc. Grandpa and Grandma treated Grayson to some new clothes (very nice of them). Our boy loves to shop! Grandpa was chasing him all over the store. Grayson thought it was even better than Gymboree. We all had a great time! Grayson loves spending time with his Grandparents!

Jack also came over for a visit last week. That is always exciting. Grayson showed Jack all his new toys from Christmas! Next week, Grayson starts story time at the library. They read a book and do a craft afterwards. We are so excited to see what this is all aboout! I have been looking forward to starting Grayson in this program but I waited until he was older so could really enjoy it.

He has become such a walker!! I mean runner! This summer, he'll be able to run around on his own (without being held) when we go swimming at the YMCA! Fun! Fun!!


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