Grayson's World

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mr. Independent!

Grayson is on a fast track to independence these days. He wants to do everything himself. He also likes to help out around the house. He loves helping mommy and daddy unload the dish washer. He loves pulling out the cups and plastic plates and spoons, pretty much any thing in the safe zone! He also loves to help with folding the clothes. If we ask him if he would like to help do dishes or fold clothes, he drops what he is doing and runs to the kitchen!

We are continually amazed at his level of understanding when we talk to him. He knows when it is time to eat, when to let the dog out and brushing teeth just to name a few! It's exciting to watch him develop. He points to everything and wants to know what it is or the name of it and tries to repeat it! Today, we took a trip to the library with daddy. Grayson loves to watch the fish there!

I am happy to say we are doing well with replacing the bottle completely! He has been using his sippy cup for meals and snacks but now the morning bottle has been replaced. That was really about the only time he was still taking a bottle. He gets plenty of dairy beside his milk so he's doing great. He loves the cottage cheese, just like mommy.


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