Grayson's World

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I just want to read!

Here is Grayson enjoying one of his favorite hobbies...reading. He is our little scholar! His wellness visit went as good as can be expected under the circumstances. At least he only got 2 shots. On a brighter note, Grayson has went from the 25% to the 50%... Yea!!! 'Clap for Grayson.' He weighs 24 lbs. He is catching up for being such a small guy.

He had a fever on Friday all the way to 102. It was awful! He was so pathetic! His virus has since, traveled to his belly. He had to return to the doctor's office today. He was not happy about that! They wanted to check him out. Hopefully he will get over this soon so he can go to his play date on Thursday!

Grayson got his Easter outfit today. He loves shopping, thank goodness! Can't wait to see him in his outfit! Tomorrow is a huge day for us all. I am signing Grayson up for a 'Mom's Day Out' program at the Methodist church by us! I have heard wonderful things about their program. He will go once a week for 3 hours next school year. I think he will really enjoy the program and benefit from it. It will break my heart though to drop him off. Probably more mine than his!


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