Grayson's World

Monday, March 26, 2007

New Found Freedom

Grayson sure is loving every minute of this wonderful weather we are having. As you can see Grayson loves swinging and playing and checking out his new sandles. Grayson enjoys the fresh air and sunshine even more now that he realizes he has a whole new world right outside his door that he can actually walk around. It seems strange to see our little baby boy running all over the yard. I had to pull out Grayson's new shorts on Sunday. I think our son is better dressed than we are these days, welcome to parenthood! Grayson has been in his wagon, walking up and down the driveway, over and over... walking along the sidewalks and visiting with neighbors, Holly and Palmer. He got out the Easter eggs today and strung those all over the porch.

This past weekend, Grandpa and Grandma came and met us for lunch. That was lots of fun. Sunday was family day with Daddy. We played outside a lot, went out for lunch and did a little shopping. Marc will be very busy these next few weeks, getting ready for the big opening downtown. Grayson enjoys pointing to all the cars and saying 'Ca, Ca' for car. He loves balloons these days also. He says, 'boon, boon' for balloon. He looks like a big boy, my baby has disappeared!


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