Grayson's World

Monday, August 28, 2006

Arts and Crafts with Mommy

Today was a scolding hot day! Even too hot to be outside! We took our morning walk and that was it. We tried going to the park but couldn't stay long at all. Grayson did some finger painting..what fun. We also colored his hands, which he thought was so funny. It tickled!!! After coloring his hands, we made a print of them in his baby book. When finger painting was over, Grayson helped me make some of his birthday hat. What a great helper! We aren't finished yet but he still wanted to try it on!

Who's Calling and Where is My Remote

Out of all of Grayson's toys, his favorite things are the phone and remote even though he has his own! He just loves to play with the phone. He associates it with Da-Da! The remote is the next best thing. His toy phone and remote just don't compare to the real thing! Yesterday, Grayson went to Meijer with Mommy and Daddy. Our boy enjoys being out and about. Later that day he went with Daddy to Target! We made some chocolate chip cookies yesterday and some zucchini bread. Yummy! Yum! Grayson is becoming quite the problem solver also! I am happy to see that. Adventure boy also decided that the couch is for more than just sitting, bouncing and jumping are also great features.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

What's Behind That Curtain

Grayson just loves to play in the curtains in the upstairs loft. He thinks it is the best game ever! The loft has became his room anyway! All of his toys and play things are up there. We call it Grayson Land. He laughs so hard when he plays in the window. He just giggles and giggles to the point he can't catch his breath. Is that sweet! Today was a relaxing day around the house, lots of playing.

Grayson got some more mail. His cousin Mason sent him a letter with some pictures of his birthday party. Mason just turned 1! Way to go! Before long, that will be our boy!

Ten Months

On Thursday, Grayson turned 10 months! I can't believe how it has flown by. On Thursday, Grayson played outside a lot. He went to the park across from our house and then played outside with his neighbor friends, Palmer and Holly for a bit. They live a few houses down from ours. Daddy took Grayson on three walks that day!! He had a big day! He has gone through another growth spurt! He also makes the T sound now. He has no problem letting us know what he wants and just how he likes it! He just loves to feed himself!

Friday we went to Babies R Us and then to the mall to do some shopping and meet Kriste and Matt and Jack!! Grayson just loves Jack! They are so cute together! Grayson is now cruising along all the furniture! He is amazing to watch. He did something new the other day. At bath time, he stuck his face down in the water, right in front of me. I couldn't believe he had done that! He thought it was funny... not mommy!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm too cool for these glasses

Well, all you can do is try and keep trying. I bought these cute shades for Grayson at the beginning of summer, thinking he would enjoy them...hah! He pulls them off every time! We went to the YMCA today to swim for a bit. It was wonderful!!! All the kids are back in school so we were of the few that we there. He just loves to kick his feet and propel around the water. I love it.

The other day I made homemade macaroni and cheese. It is my Grandmother's recipe! She makes the best!! I let Grayson try some and he loved it! All the kids do in our family! Last night I went with my good friend Kriste to Michaels. We picked out some things to make the boys a birthday hat for their 1st. The hats are going to be so cute. We had so much fun! It's nice to get out once in a while! Grayson was home sleeping for Daddy after Daddy read him about 10 books of his picking. Grayson got 4 new books yesterday! Wow! Grayson's good friend Jack, finally got his first tooth! That is big news in baby world! Now he can show off his tooth like Grayson!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Playing with duck blanky

We had a great time this weekend! Grayson went to Lowes this weekend and helped us pick out some trees for the back yard. His favorite part was playing in the fountains outside! He loves the water. Daddy planted our trees last night! Yesterday was so beautiful! We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast, he loves those blueberries! Today Grayson and I went to Clay Terrace for lunch and then to The Children's Place and got some new clothes, shoes and hat!!! Fun! We had to stop at the toy store also and pick up another book. He sure loves to read. He even loves to turn those pages! Wow! When we got home , our Aunt Pam sent us a package in the mail! It was so neat! Grayson got another new book!!! It was Nathaniel's when he was little (Grayson's cousin.) Aunt Pam also sent him a new outfit and a book for mommy too! How Nice! She sends the best packages!! She lived in Germany for many years so getting packages from her was always fun!

Here is a picture of Grayson playing, "Where's Grayson." It is the blanket my good friend Candy, gave to him. It is very special also, it belonged to her son. It is hand made! He sleeps with it very night also!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Down on the Farm

On Thursday, we went to Jack's Grandparents' house to visit baby pigs! It was so much fun! Grayson didn't know what to think! He wanted to pet them and then he didn't. Daddy sat with him and held a piggy for him. They were so cute, just a week old. Jacks's Grandparents were really nice, they even made lunch for us! We had bbq pulled pork sandwiches and cheesy potato casserole! Grayson loved it. We also had zucchini bread! Yummy! Yum! We all had such a great time. Their farm house is really pretty. Grayson and I plan on returning to make Christmas cookies in December. Jack had all kinds of fun toys at his Grandparents. Grayson gave them two thumbs up! What a big day! It was quite an experience for our boy! Jack even played the piano for us! What a musician he is.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Indiana State Fair

Grayson had a big day! Daddy came home early and we went to the State Fair! It was Family Day. We had such a great time! We ate when we got there. Afterwards we walked down the midway and over to visit the cattle barn. Next we saw horses. Grayson wasn't too sure about the horses. Finally, we saw the 'World's Largest Pig.' What fun! Grayson got his picture taken with a clown that gave him a sticker!! Yea! Before leaving the fair, we stopped off for some ice cream. We let Grayson try a little. He wanted to grab it! I am pretty sure he enjoyed it! When we got home, Grayson took his bath and was out like a light. He will probably dream about his visit to the fair.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Beautiful Boy

He continues to amaze me! He is walking along the furniture now and getting stronger every day. He also stands over the top of his toys. I love how he crawls over to us now and climbs on top of us and just smiles and grabs our face. It is so adorable! His eyes look like he is saying, "I love you." Sunday he got his 9 month pics taken. Today, Grayson tried some Jello I made for him. He loved it! I had to take a picture... you know me! Grayson was excited to see Daddy today when he arrived home. He loves play time with his Daddy!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Balancing Act

Grayson has been so eager to play lately. He can't get enough! He wants to play so badly, eating is a chore! We started buying his 1st Birthday gifts...getting ready in advance. We also picked up a new car seat for our boy. We had planned on going to the fair on Thursday but it rained all day. We still had fun going to Babies R Us and Toys R Us. It has been beautiful out lately. Being outside is pleasant again. Grayson's vocabulary is widening with the C sound, B, and Da-Da and every so often Ma-Ma. He also said 'Bacoo' the other day... two syllables. Wow! He can turn pages in books and also lets go of the furniture while standing. He's amazing , that boy of ours! Today we met Matt and Kriste and Jack for lunch. It was entertaining!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Grayson and His Bear

Grayson got a gift from Alaska for watching Bonita. He did such a great job, he got a promotion! He just lit up when I gave him the bear. He even showed his two bottom teeth for the photo! He just keeps growing... imagine that. Tomorrow we are going to the State Fair during the day with daddy. Hopefully the weather will be cooler again! We are excited to show Grayson all of the farm animals!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Weekend Warriors

We are as usual, out and about doing our thing! Grayson had his first job last week. We took care of our neighbors cat Bonita while they were on a cruise in Alaska. Grayson thinks feeding her is part of our daily routine. He will be sad! We will just have to go over and visit in the mornings! We love our neighbors so! We had to visit daddy on Friday and meet our friends Kriste and Jack! Those boys of ours made a mess! It had been cooler out so we are able to take our afternoon walks and swing out on the porch. Yea! On Saturday Aunt Sarah came over for a bit. Grayson has not seen her in quite some time so I'm sure he enjoyed his visit. He has to play the warm up game though and then he is fine. On Sunday, we played outside a lot and went to Target to look for a new car seat. We want to get another before vacation. He is getting just about long enough to transition to the next size. We also picked up Jack's walker to try out. Grayson loved it! He actually threw a fit when I brought it in the house until we sat him in it. He was screaming and making himself choke he wanted it so bad! That is our drama boy. He just knew that was a new toy for him. Well, the walker is a hit! I made some blueberry pancakes Sunday morning, Grayson had to try them and loved it!! Imagine that! He couldn't get enough! We put them in his red bowl and Mr. Independent fed himself!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Boys Just Wanna Have Fun!

Today Daddy and Grayson had so much fun! Mommy ran errands while they hung out. Marc said they had a blast! Grayson drank from Daddy's straw and ate some ice cubes! Big Boy! Grayson is officially pulling himself up... to the bed, couch and any thing that he can. He has been pulling up to his knees but now he has moved on to his feet! Wow! It amazes me still how much they achieve in just one week or even a day! Grayson just loves playing with Daddy. They get to do guy stuff and do things mommy wouldn't do! I'll be so sad when he starts taking those first steps. He is also letting go and balancing!

Grayson loves his bed! When he wakes up he loves to play in it! He likes to play with Mommy and Daddy peeking over the side at him. He has to take froggy (his lovey) very where around the house when he wakes up in the morning. Froggy even eats breakfast with him!

Keeping Cool

On Tuesday Grayson and I went to the mall to pick up his lastest photos. We also had to stop by the Disney Store for some more new pj's. They have the cutest pajamas! We also ate some lunch at the food court. Later that afternoon, we met Grandpa and Grandma Lyons, Great Grandma Callaway and Aunt Julie at Cracker Barrel for early dinner. It was fun visiting with everyone. Grayson loves to be the center of entertainment. We got home a bit past Grayson's usual bed time. His ETA that evening was 7:00pm, not too bad!

On Wednesday we made our reservation for a trip to Branson Missouri! It will be Grayson's first vacation! We wanted to keep the trip around 6-8 hrs. The resort looks really nice. It is in the woods with bike trails, hiking and all sorts of fun stuff. We will have to take our bikes! Next year we plan on taking Grayson to Disney World for Halloween. Fun! Fun!