Grayson's World

Monday, October 30, 2006

Gymboree or Pumpkins, which is best?

Grayson went to the Pumpkin Patch today!!! Wow! He enjoyed that more than Gymboree today! He loved it. He crawled all over the pumpkins sorting and tossing them and even jumping on the them. He looked so adorable cruising all around the pumpkin patch, which pumpkin will be the lucky one that gets to go home with Grayson. He chose a perfect one, just his size and with a stem so he could carry it like the big boy he is! Mommy and Daddy had to pick out their pumpkins too. We are big kids as you all know! We went to our neighbors church to get a pumpkin. They go on a mission trip to gather the pumpkins and bring them back here to sell and raise money for the youth group. We thought that was pretty neat! and fun for us! Grayson's had such a wonderful fall. He has done so many festive things to celebrate. It has been just as fun for us also. Tomorrow is another big day... Grayson's first trick or treating!!! He is Spider Man!!! Daddy chose his costume and is very proud of it.!

Zoo Boo

Sunday was a fun day! We went to the The Original Pancake for breakfast. They have the best blueberry pancakes. Marc always get the chocolate chip. They are yummy also but a bit too rich for my taste. After Grayson took his morning nap and we all had lunch, we went to the Zoo Boo. It was lots of fun. The Zoo was celebrating Halloween. Grayson got to trick or treat and visit with the animals. He liked the monkeys the best, probably because he believes he is one also. He is our little monkey. Marc took him through the hay maze and we danced to the festive music the DJ was playing. It was fun seeing all the children in the their costumes. Grayson had a good time but the Children's Museum was his favorite. He is all about touching and interacting. The Zoo doesn't offer much of that. I am sure he will enjoy it more when he is a bit older. We plan on trying out Christmas at the Zoo also. More fun for our son... 'THE ADVENTURE BOY.'

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Playing in the Leaves

Grayson was able to take a spin around the neighborhood in his wagon last week. He really enjoys his new wagon! We weren't sure what he would think of it but he did great! It finally warmed up. O- how we miss our walks! It is starting to really get chilly out! We put Grayson in the yard and let him set in the leaves and feel them. He loved how they crunched in his hands. He just laughed and kept grabbing for them one by one as they fell to the ground. We decided to take Grayson to Stride Rite for some new shoes again. This thing of his where he pulls off his shoes every five seconds was really wearing on me! We figured there has to be something better! I told Grayson now that it is getting cold out, he can no longer pull off his shoes and socks!!! Well, we found some rally cute shoes that lace up and cover his ankle. They are so cute and he seems to be pleased with them as well. As you can see from the photo, he wanted to make sure they were a right fit!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Grayson's Special Birthday Adventure

On Tuesday Grayson officially became one. He had a very special day to celebrate! Once he awakened from his morning nap the fun began. First we took him to Moe's (a Mexican grill in Fishers) to get a cheese quesadilla. He loves those! After eating lunch, we headed to The Children's Museum. He had so much fun, you could see it on his face. He was enthralled with the clock at the entrance and the glass sculptures. He liked all of the displays and the Play Scape. Play Scape was an area where he could get down and crawl and venture through on his own! We also went on the carousel. Wow! all the lights and music and animals to ride on... so much excitement! We saw trains and the new dinosaur exhibit. It was amazing. I have never seen any thing like it. It was like going back in time! When we completed all of our stops in the museum, we went over to the Haunted House connected to the museum. 'Friendly Hours' were all day so we figured we would be safe taking Grayson through. He loved it! It was just another adventure to him!! He cried when we left because he wanted to stay and play with the fairy and her bells. The museum was so much excitement Grayson decided to nap on the way to Toys R Us.

We had to stop by and let the Birthday Boy get his hat and balloon from Jeffrey and a couple of toys, like he needs any more! When we finally returned home, we had dinner and a special Puppy Dog Birthday Cake and sang and gave Grayson our gifts! We had some play time and put toys together and before we knew it was time for bath and bed. Like they say, time flies when you are having fun! Marc and I had as much fun as Grayson! It is a whole new world when you revisit these places for the first time with your child! It was a very special day for all of us!!! Celebrating the birth of our son!!! and our family!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Grayson's Big Day

Well the party was a huge success!!! We all had a blast. We could not have asked for a more perfect day for Grayson!!! Every thing was just perfect! We were so happy to see every one. It was nice that some much of the family was able to make it for the big day! It meant a great deal to me and Marc. Grayson had so much fun. He wasn't too sure about the cake at first. He even kept his 'Birthday Hat' on the entire time! Grayson and I actually made his hat. His cake turned out great also! It matched his invitations! The girl that made it did a great job free handing it! Grayson got so many wonderful gifts, lets just say the boy does not need any more toys any time soon! Santa is going to have a hard time finding toys he doesn't already have. Today we introduced most of the toys to him. He had so much fun. He was beside himself trying to decide what to play with next. It was too cold to take a walk in his new wagon so we pulled him around in the wagon throughout the living room. It is hard to believe this time last year, we met our son for the first time! The year has came and went so quickly! We have enjoyed every minute of it!

Getting through the week

Last week was a long one for everyone! I became sick early in the week and was down for a day and also lost my voice after all was said and done! Thank goodness the worst day was when Marc was off. He took care of Grayson all day so I could stay in bed after returning from the doctor's office. Marc enjoyed spending all day with Grayson. They went to Gymboree together. The next time Grayson returns, they get to wear their Halloween costumes to class!! What fun! Grayson and I ran errands later on that week to get ready for the big event on Sunday... his party!!! Yea! We went to Toys R Us and Target and Meijer. On Thursday afternoon, we stopped by Marc's work for lunch! Grayson had to make a huge scene because he could not understand why Daddy couldn't stop working to come over to him!! Poor baby. We gave Grayson some whole milk the other day to try. Once he is one, we can begin to introduce it to him. As you can see from the look on his face, he was not too happy about the change!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Little Pumpkin

Grayson had another big week. He is getting two more teeth for a grand total of! Let me tell you, he has been a bit grumpy as well. He misses daddy too with him working so much this past week, getting ready for the big opening. Grayson went to the YMCA play group on Tuesday. He was bouncing up and down on my hip when he saw the gym through the glass window. He loves it! On Friday, we enrolled him in Gymboree classes. We took a preview class first to see what it was like. It was really great and well organized. I am happy to say they have a strict sick policy, which is great! If your little one is sick or has a cold, you are not to bring them. There were all kinds of little kids all Grayson's age. Lots to climb on and cruise through. They had this great parachute that the little ones played in. We go back on Monday! Saturday was the private opening for Paradise so we went to see Daddy's new work and have some great food. Grayson was more than a hand full! Sunday, Grayson and I went to Barnes & Noble for some new books and then we were finally able to take a walk again!

Monday, October 09, 2006

First Riley Days

Grayson and I went to Riley Days on Friday. We had a lot of fun! It was so beautiful out, we decided to venture to Greenfield for the big event! It was a bit chilly but the sun kept us warm. Grayson got a balloon from the clown (which he wasn't too sure of). We also saw my friend from Kim and her mom. Kim's mom had never seen Grayson so that was a treat. We also got some Omish Bread...Yummy! Later, we saw our old neighbors (Cheryl and her daughter Riley), they are from Greenfield also.

When we left the festival, we met Grandma Lyons and Great Grandma Callaway for lunch at Cracker Barrel. Grayson loves their food. He loves their veggies! Grayson enjoyed his visit and showing off!

On Saturday, we went to Sarah and Mike's house to visit. That was our first time there. I have a lot more freedom now that my schedule does not revolve around nursing! It was worth it though. Their house is really nice. They couldn't belief how big Grayson has gotten! Grayson showed them his walking moves and a few other tricks. He also showed them his new shoes and how he enjoys taking them off and on!

On Sunday, we went to Sahm's park and took our lunch. That was fun. We walked around and looked at the leaves and how they were changing. We also saw some really frisky squirrels. They were funny, chasing after one another. We had hoped to go to the Pumpkin Patch but that will be another day.

Marc is getting ready for the big opening of his store in Castleton with his new job. He will be very busy this week. We won't see much of him until Sunday! It is just one week so I am sure we will make it through! Hopefully, they will have a smooth opening! We shall see!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Taking Care of Business

This week has been so busy. On Friday Marc was off so he went to the play time at the gym to see what this fun event is all about. Wow!! There were lots of kinds and daddies their. I thought Marc would be the only Daddy, usually it is all women. It must have been Daddy Day (a lot of people off on Fridays). Grayson was happy Daddy could join and so was Jack. Daddy plays more rough than Mommy. He is also much stronger and can do more with him! Lucky for Grayson! Afterwards, we went and got Grayson his first winter coat at the Children's Place, with matching hat and gloves! It is so cute! What a big boy he is becoming. Next, we had lunch since we had worked up such a big appetite from playing!

Grayson and I started to come down with a bit of a bug. Daddy to the rescue! He took great care of both of us. It was a bit rough for about a day and a half, long enough! We are all recovering and Grayson and I are happy to say we are feeling much better. Sunday, we went to Broad Ripple for lunch at Bazbeaux (pizza place). Now that is pizza! Grayson enjoyed himself and entertaining the baby girl next to us and any one else who was looking!

New thing for Grayson this week... we like to call it "Crinkle Nose." When we get him out of bed, he smiles so big and crinkles up his little nose. It has got to be the cutest thing! He does it all the time now when he smiles! We are working hard to get a picture of it before he moves on to the next thing. As you can see, we finally got the pic!

On Monday after Marc got home from work (around 2:00) I went to visit Wendy and to see her new house. Grayson got to spend most of the day and all evening with Daddy!! They always have such a good time. Daddy is so creative and imaginative, Grayson just loves it! It is nice that Marc gets home so early from work since he has switched jobs. It has been a very positive move for the whole family!! He now works for a company called Paradise, a new up and coming franchise. We are blessed he had this opportunity.

Once I got to Monticello we all just hung out and visited. It was so nice to see the boys. I can't stress enough how big the boys have gotten! They are so sweet. They are just little gentlemen! I enjoyed talking with them about their day, school sports and of course....girls! Wendy has her house done up so nice! It looks like Wendy! I am so proud of her! Single mom, buying her own home...Wow! We ate at Arnie's afterward and then I left shortly after. I like my early bed time! Grayson and Daddy had a great evening also! I made it home safely. I forgot how long the drive is being so home bound with nursing it was nice to have some girl time for a bit but I missed my two favorite men!