Grayson's World

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

The big day has come and gone too fast. We wait so long for that wonderful time of the year and it's over in a flash. Celebrating the birth of Jesus and spending time with family and loved ones! Grayson had so much fun opening his gifts! He went around from toy to toy seeing what each one could do! He was exhausted when it was nap time from all the excitement. I had trouble sleeping the night before as usual! But this year was even more special...Celebrating as a family!! and the Santa playing!

My parents and Grandmother were supposed to came over for brunch. Unfortunately, Grandpa had to miss out on the brunch because he has been very ill. Poor Grandpa!!! At least the Grandmothers could come. Grayson was excited to have visitors! We had baked blueberry pancakes and quiche along with some fruit! It was wonderful! We stayed home that evening and I fixed Christmas Dinner. We had ham and baked cheesy potatoes along with green beans. What a feast!!

Our Christmas was wonderful. We couldn't have asked for anything more!! God has blessed us all in so many ways! Merry Christmas everyone!!! We will be sad to take down the tree this weekend. I think Grayson will be too. Every morning when we come down the stairs and he sees it all lit up, he gets so excited and runs over to it.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Two More Days until Christmas!

Getting ready for the big day! We plan on doing some more baking these last few days. We love the sugar cookies around here and the first two batches I made are already gone. We have been pretty busy getting ready. I have been sick for a while now and found out I have pneumonia. Yuk! So just trying to get as much rest a s possible. Marc has been a huge help. Mom and dad have pitched in a lot too. Dad came and watched Grayson one morning for a bit and mom went and did some grocery shopping for us. Very generous of them! Marc went to the Colts game last week for Monday Night Football. Is he lucky or what! I was sick so I stayed at home, no fair!

Grayson went to his 12 month wellness appointment on Thursday. All reports are good. He is 25% in his weight and height but 75% for the circumference of his head. He weighs 22.9lbs. now! He is moving up. He got 3 shots and was not happy about that! But he also got a new book from the Dr.'s office, a Christmas book!!

Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma's

Last weekend we went to Grandpa and Grandma Lyons house to celebrate Christmas. Sarah goes to Mike's family on Christmas day this year so we celebrated a week early. It still seemed like Christmas! As you can see, Grayson had a wonderful time. He loves going to his grandparents house and playing. He is the center of the stage, just what he likes! He got lots of great gifts! He really enjoyed unwrapping all of his presents. We weren't sure if he would be into that this year. He is so that makes it even more fun! We had a nice dinner with lots of food and deserts! Imagine that! Mike and Marc diapered shortly after the gift festivities to play air hockey. Mom and dad got a air hockey table, a big hit!!! Hope all of you are enjoying this special season!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Getting Around

Well, I am pleased to say that Grayson is completely mobile now. He has been for about a week. He had been fine tuning his walking until last week when he took off without stopping to hold onto something or falling. He's a fast one. His favorite time of the day is, 'Exploration.' He goes from room to room all over the entire house. He really enjoys climbing up the stairs.

Last week Grayson was able to play with his friend Jack. Kriste came over to watch Grayson for a bit while I went to the doctor. Grayson and Jack had a great time. Kriste said they had a blast running through the curtains in the play room (loft). I am glad the two of them are so close in age.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

What! No Power!!!

Well, after the big storm made it's way to Fisher's we lost our power. We were without for about 4 hours. We decided to pack up and go to Grandpa's house. Grayson had fun as usual,. destroying every room in the house. Lucky for us, the power returned around 4:00pm. We came home when Marc got off work. He wanted to make certain everything was working alright.

Grayson visited with his friend Peyton on Saturday. The boys had so much fun. Peyton came over to play for a bit and then we went for lunch. Peyton and Grayson are just about the same size now. Grayson is catching up. He was such a small guy in the beginning. It was great to see Sue and Peyton!!! We hope to spend some more time with them as Christmas grows nearer! Peyton and Grayson posed in front of the big Christmas Tree at ClayTerrace for a photo. Those stud muffins!!

Grayson is finally getting some hair. He actually wakes up with bed head some mornings. We laugh it looks so crazy!! He barely had any hair for so long. We think he is also getting a back tooth. We shall see soon enough!

Santa Visit

We took Grayson to see Santa at Clay Terrace. It is decorated so neat! Santa has a house that you must enter to see him. He sat next to the fire place in his big chair. Grayson took one look at Santa, the man in the big red suit and was mortified! He started crying and climbing up Marc he was so scared. We decided to skip on the visit this year and try next year when Santa makes his visit. We didn't want to scar him for life! We still had a good time. Grayson thought the big Christmas tree outside of Santa's house, was really pretty.

We put up our tree here at home. We are pleased to report that Grayson is doing extremely well with the tree. He loves to lay under it and stare at the lights. He actually talks and babbles to them. It is too cute! He is looking forward to Santa stopping by this year. As you can see from the photo, one of Santa's helpers stopped by for a visit the other morning and had breakfast. He resembles Grayson, don't you think!