Grayson's World

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Gobble Gobble!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to every one! We went to Grandpa and Grandma Lyons' house. So much food! Grayson loved sitting at the table with eveyone, the clown that he is. His favorite dish was fruit salad. Yummy Yummy he said. We all had a good time visiting. Grayson most of all, adventuring all throughout the house. Marc and I were exhausted when we got home. Grayson too, using up all that energy to roam about. Too many places to go and things to get into, tupperware and lots more!!! He was sure to let us know when it was time to go. He is our little alarm clock! After about two hours, he knew it was time to go by his internal clock. I think he was afraid he might miss out on his sleep. Hope all had a great day and ate lots of turkey!!!

Helping Daddy

On Wednesday, Marc put up our Christmas lights. Grayson was so excited to go outside and see what all the fuss was about! Wow!! What fun! Grayson was eager to assist Daddy with his display! Finally, a chance to go outside and get some fresh air. Marc did a great job. We still have a few more things to add but it looks nice. Santa won't miss our house thanks to Daddy!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Going to Grandpa's

Grayson had fun today. He went to visit with Grandpa Lyons. Grandma Lyons was jealous, she was at work. Grandpa stayed home form work today to put up Christmas lights. It's nice because we were able to stop by and play for a bit. It was all new territory for Grayson. New places to get into and explore now that he is on the move. He wore me out! Between going from room to room and looking at every cabinet, table, drawer etc. we both got a workout. Grandpa and Grandma bought a new high chair for Grayson. He tried it out and gave it the seal of Grayson approval!! It was nice. He'll be working hard on Thanksgiving to break it in well. Grayson introduced Grandpa to the Wiggles and danced for him during his favorite song, 'Rock a Bye Your Bear.' Grayson also showed Grandpa his new walking moves!

He began walking on the 19th of this month. Just a few days ago. He has been taking steps for awhile. Now he is doing about ten or so. It is funny to watch him. He gets a running start off the couch, lets go and walks across the room with his hands waving and laughing until he finally falls with this look on his face like, "What just happened?"

Grayson also got to visit with Great Grandma Callaway. Great Uncle Butch stopped by as well. He has never met Grayson so that was a treat! Well, Grayson had a really good day today. It was nice to get him out for a bit and most of all, visit with Grandpa. Grayson said it was even better than Gymboree!

Still Here

Wow! It has been a while since our last update. Lets see... for about two weeks our little monkey has been under the weather. He got his first fever a couple of weeks ago. It got pretty high, about 102. He came down with the fever on a Friday, the night Marc and I were supposed to go to a Pacer game and set in fourth row seats. Marc went with a friend and had a great time. At least one of us got to enjoy the wonderful seats! Grayson started getting better and then it went into a sinus infection. He went to the doctor and was put on antibiotics. We are still waiting on more improvement. His mood seems better but lots of coughing and runny noses. We are to give it two more days and then call back so hopefully our baby will be on his way to recovery! On that note, we have decided not to enroll Grayson in any more classes until the flu season is over, meaning spring. Until then, we will just have to get creative during this cold weather. Grayson has gone on a few adventures around the house making the best of this sickness. He loves going through the bathroom cabinets and emptying all the towels. The stairs have become his new cardio workout! He is into knocking over all and I do mean ALL of his toys and watching them crash to the floor!

We are all getting ready for Turkey Day around here. We are going over to my parents for a bit. Afterwards, we will drive by Reynolds to show Grayson the lights. It is a big scene here in Fishers. Reynolds puts out a huge display very year. It is located right off the interstate by us. Marc is putting up our Christmas light tomorrow, then the tree this weekend. We are so excited, sharing all this with Grayson. I love decorating and celebrating, I hope Grayson loves it as much as we do! Happy Thanksgiving to every one!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Chuck E Cheeses

Grayson had his first adventure to Chuck E Cheeses. Grandpa and Grandma Lyons were able to come and meet us. When we first arrived, Grayson's face just lit up when he saw all the rides, kids and singing mouse!! Wow! He had a blast!! He was excited to see his Grandparents too. He played the warm up game at first but then he put on a show for them!! He loves to do that... the entertainer that he is. He rode all the kiddy rides and played on a phone also. He loves his toy phones at home, so we figured the phone would be a hit with him. He knew exactly what to do when we put him in the cars! He drove the wheel round and round, driving that little car!Grayson also got a really cool Halloween basket from Grandpa and Grandma with fun stuff inside. He got a new book too which we read at bedtime this evening.

Grayson cried when we left, he enjoyed it that much! Once he was all snug in his car seat, he fell right to sleep. He was out!! But we had to awaken his for his bath which he loves any way. Daddy was eager to play at Chuck E Cheese as well! Grayson has no idea what he is in for when he gets older!! Let the fun begin!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Celebrating with Jack

Grayson had lunch with his buddy Jack on Wednesday. We all went to Moe's to celebrate their birthdays, even the Daddies got to join in on the fun! The boys just love those quesadillas so they were happy while us parents ate and watched the boys play. It was nice to see Kriste and Matt and Jack. We have all been sick here and there and have not seen one another in a while. The boys sat across from one another and shared faces and baby babble. Then, they opened their gifts...yea!!! Grayson got two new books. One was a Wiggles book. He loved it. He couldn't keep his hands off of it! Grayson and Jack are just nine days apart! Is that neat or what! Hard to belive our boys are one!!

Spider Baby!!!

Is this boy cute or what! Well, Halloween was excitement for Grayson! I have never seen him so excited to get dressed. He is at that age where getting dressed takes way too much of his time. When he saw his costume, he knew something was different! He was so excited to get that costume on and fast. He knew he was cute too. I always tell him he is a stud muffin, this time he knew it! He was so cute! We took him around to a few houses, our friends around the neighborhood. It was so much fun! He gave everyone the 'Crinkle.' We all just laughed at our big cheese....Grayson. Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!! Daddy chose a great costume!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pumpkin Patch Grayson

This kid wants all the pumpkins, he's like Godzilla in the pumpkin city. Watch out pumpkin people Graysonzilla is going to stomp your tiny village to bits. If there was such a pumpkin city I wonder what kind of pie they would eat at thanksgiving time, maybe apple, but would that insult the neighboring towns. hmmmmmmmm, would the mayor of pumpkin town be a jack o' lantern. I don't know, I sure wouldn't want to live there.