Grayson's World

Monday, January 29, 2007

Good Helper

Grayson has become such a little helper. He loves those dishes and letting Macie out. I think it is the highlight of his day. As you can see, he loves to dance. He was born with rythm! He has been keeping busy. On Saturday we went with Grandpa and Grandma to Clay Terrace for lunch. We went to Daddy's work to eat. Grayson loves their grilled cheese and plus visiting Marc. Grandpa and Grandma treated Grayson to some new clothes (very nice of them). Our boy loves to shop! Grandpa was chasing him all over the store. Grayson thought it was even better than Gymboree. We all had a great time! Grayson loves spending time with his Grandparents!

Jack also came over for a visit last week. That is always exciting. Grayson showed Jack all his new toys from Christmas! Next week, Grayson starts story time at the library. They read a book and do a craft afterwards. We are so excited to see what this is all aboout! I have been looking forward to starting Grayson in this program but I waited until he was older so could really enjoy it.

He has become such a walker!! I mean runner! This summer, he'll be able to run around on his own (without being held) when we go swimming at the YMCA! Fun! Fun!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Snow Ball Fight

Today, Grayson went outside to play in the snow for the first time! He had so much fun! We bundled him up and all went out for some fun in the snow, even Macie (our dog) joined in on the fun. Grayson enjoyed walking in the snow but did not want any thing to do with setting in the snow! Marc threw snowballs at him and he laughed like it was the funniest thing he had ever seen. It's so wonderful to be able to look at things threw his eyes. He finds so much joy and fun in the simplest things! It's great!!

When it was time to come in, our poor baby boy was just so beside himself. He had so much fun, he wanted to stay out but mommy was too cold and daddy had to shovel. He was out long enough! He is our snow baby or 'snow belly' as we like to call him. He is all about the belly button these days! He likes to lift up our shirts and find them. I'm not sure if that is a good thing though, especially if we are outside of our home! We think it is cute and he thinks it is hilarious!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mr. Independent!

Grayson is on a fast track to independence these days. He wants to do everything himself. He also likes to help out around the house. He loves helping mommy and daddy unload the dish washer. He loves pulling out the cups and plastic plates and spoons, pretty much any thing in the safe zone! He also loves to help with folding the clothes. If we ask him if he would like to help do dishes or fold clothes, he drops what he is doing and runs to the kitchen!

We are continually amazed at his level of understanding when we talk to him. He knows when it is time to eat, when to let the dog out and brushing teeth just to name a few! It's exciting to watch him develop. He points to everything and wants to know what it is or the name of it and tries to repeat it! Today, we took a trip to the library with daddy. Grayson loves to watch the fish there!

I am happy to say we are doing well with replacing the bottle completely! He has been using his sippy cup for meals and snacks but now the morning bottle has been replaced. That was really about the only time he was still taking a bottle. He gets plenty of dairy beside his milk so he's doing great. He loves the cottage cheese, just like mommy.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year

Grayson has been keeping very busy with all his new toys. There is so much to do. He is also becoming increasingly aware of his surroundings and understanding them more and more. His frustrations grow more along with all the new sensations. He comprehends so much. When we talk to him about where we are going or what we are doing, he knows exactly what to expect and reacts to it. He babbles a lot these days, a language all his own. He tries to repeat many of the words we say to him.

Today we had lunch with his friend Jack. 'The Boss', Grayson, decided when it was time to go. Too bad for mommy! He figures, we are on his time and he let me know! I can't believe how fast he is growing. It seems like yesterday when we were getting up every three hours for feedings and bouncing, not rocking! How time has gone by! Grayson is going through a new stage where saying Bye-Bye has become very traumatic for him. When any one tells him Bye-Bye, he burst into tears. He did it today when Matt and Kriste said good bye to him. I forgot to let them know about this new phase of his. We don't leave him with any one since I stay at home, so I am not sure where this fear of Bye-Bye has come from.

He has become a pro with walking. Without shoes, he runs all over the place. It is a different story when the shoes are on, the traction throws him off a bit. It slows him down some but I am certain that won't last for long!

Happy New Year to everyone!!