Grayson's World

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I Can Do It Myself

Today Grayson decided he was going to feed himself. He threw a fit while eating until we gave him the spoon. He was trying to tell us he wanted to do it on his own. What a mess he made but he had fun and that it what's important. Daddy hung his swing on the porch today. Grayson gave it two thumbs up. He enjoyed it so much he just laughed. Then to our surprise, he fell asleep in it. He NEVER liked his TWO swings we had gotten for him but he liked the porch swing. Go figure!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Our Water Baby

Grayson had some fun in the sun today. We put him in his baby pool in the back yard. The boy loves the water! He splashed and splashed. It is getting harder to get him out of the water. This evening when I took him out of the bath he cried. He wasn't ready to leave the tub. He has a huge blow-up rubber ducky that he takes his baths in. We are happy he enjoys the water! Next year we will have to take some swim lessons at the YMCA. As you can see, he loves his rubber ducky.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Off to the Library

Today Grayson and I went to Walmart to pick up a swing for him ( one that hangs from the porch). Afterwards, we went to the library and picked up some CD's we had put on hold by Dan Zanes. He is on Disney's House Party a lot. We are eager to listen to them. Grayson and I went to Donatos for lunch and met Kriste and Jack. The boys were so cute, setting side by side, eating and observing one another! They looked like they were enjoying themselves.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Spending Time With Family

Grayson went on a visiting spree this weekend. On Friday, he went to visit Grandpa Mathias and Grandma Lorri. They enjoyed spending time with Grayson. They couldn't believe how big he has gotten. On Sunday, we met Great Grandma Callaway, Grandpa and Gramdma Lyons for dinner. We all had a great time while Grayson was the center of attention, as usual.

Today, Grayson had his first chicken and wild rice mix. He didn't know what to think at first. Until today, he has had only veggies and fruit and cereal. He scoots all over the floor now. He is getting frustrated because he knows he can move but it just isn't fast enough for him!

On Our Way Home

I had to share one of our favorite pictures of Grayson so you can see just how small he was when he was born. Marc put him in his car seat to bring him home from the hospital and we thought he was going to get lost in in! He is almost ready for another car seat now, he's getting so big. He loved to set and nap in his bouncer. He loved motion so much, bouncing on the big red yoga ball became his favorite. Rocking did not soothe him, bouncing worked like a charm. I think it was all of the water aerobics I took! To this day, our boy still loves to bounce! Yes, on the yoga ball and his Jumparoo.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Look Who is Eight Months!

Today was a special day for our boy! He is eight months! I can't believe it. He got a new CD today. It is 'Disney's Playhouse.' It has all of his favorite song from his shows (Little Einsteins...). He was so excited when we played it. He bobbed up and down, dancing to the beat. It was too cute. Grayson loves his walks so we took a couple today as usual. We also went swimming at the YMCA. We actually sat in the baby pool today. It was much warmer. It won't be long before our little one is on the move. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. He lunges a bit too. If he really wants to get some where, he'll either roll or scoot on his belly.

Grayson Playing

Friday, June 23, 2006

Grayson's Arrival

Marc and I dedicate this site to our precious son, Grayson Reed. He has been such a joy in our lives! He came into this world on October 24th at 3:04 pm, weighing 6lbs. 9oz and 19 in. long. He was such a little guy. When we got home, we had to buy all new clothes because his 0-3 months did not fit him. That evening after his birth, I remember just laying with him in my arms and smelling him while holding him as close to me as I could. We were amazed at our miracle! Marc was in love from the moment he layed eyes on him. Grayson and I are truly blessed to have such a wonderful man.

Full of Adventure!

Tuesday was a huge day for Grayson. We went to Clay Terrace for breakfast and walked down to the big fountain. We had to get our little guy home for some lunch and a nap and then it was off to the pool!!! He loves his pool time. That evening Grandma Lyons came to visit and watch Grayson so we could see a movie. Grandma brought Grayson some souvenirs from Disney World.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

6/22/06 Stormy Days

Today was fun but it was very hot and rainy, so I was stuck inside most of the day. We did hang outside on the porch for a little while before the rain. We watched some TV and did some work around the house.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Grayson's First Pool Adventure

Last Thursday was Grayson's first time to the pool. He loved it. We went with my friend Kriste and her little boy, Jack. He is ten days younger. Grayson enjoyed playing on his tummy and kicking his feet. We took the boys over to the big pool because the baby pool was so cold.

Grayson also enjoys bath time, what fun!!! Every evening, Grayson goes to bed with his frog his Aunt Pam gave to him.

6/21/06 First Day of Summer

Today was a time for relaxing in the shade under a tree with Daddy and Macie. The first day of summer was a steamy one. We played with the beach ball and rolled around on the blanket outside. Grayson had become such a musician. Between his guitar and piano, the sky is the limit for him.