Grayson's World

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Busy Little Boy!!

Grayson has been so busy these days! Grandpa came over last weekend to bring over Easter Bunny Gifts (Grandma had been sick). Grayson wanted to show Grandpa his wrestling moves! He is all boy! He loves to pounce on you and say 'ugh' it is too cute. We have been outside a lot lately, which is nice! Back to running all over the yard and playing in the drive way. He loves to walk down to his friends, Palmer and Lilly.

We all went to a cookout at our friends and neighbors on Sunday. All the kids had a blast. Grayson loved Holly's play house! He didn't want to come out for even a second! Grayson's friend Peyton was there also! Last night, we met Grandpa and Grandma and Great Grandma for dinner! Our little social eater had a blast.

More fun today, Jack is coming over for a play date and lunch. Sounds like fun!!! It's great to be a kid!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Love that Easter Bunny!!

Grayson had a great Easter despite the fact he had gotten his first ear infection. That Bunny was very good to him. We stayed home on Sunday since Grayson wasn't feeling his best, we still had lots of fun and time spent with Daddy. Grayson played with his basket all morning long. Daddy even enjoyed Grayson's Easter toys. The night before, Grayson colored some eggs. He was a good helper. We hope our little one will be feeling his normal self soon!

Hope everyone had a very special Easter and remembered what it is all about and not that bunny! Sure is fun though!!!

Picking Flowers and Playing Ball

Grayson sure enjoyed the nice weather we had for a few weeks. Here are some photos of him playing and sharing the flowers he had picked!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

We are so proud of Daddy!

Today was the VIP party for Marc's store which is set to open tomorrow, Monday, April 2nd. His store is just beautiful! Grayson was so excited to see Daddy. Grandpa and Grandma road with us and ate lunch also. Grayson hasn't seen Marc for a week!! By the time Marc gets home, Grayson is fast asleep. He did not want Marc to put him down. His face just lit up when he saw Marc. Grayson saw lots of his friends there, Jack, Holly and Palmer! He was just happy to be spending time with his hero... Daddy!!! Marc walked him all around. It was nice that Grandpa and Grandma could join us! They were a huge help!

We sure are excited about Marc's new journey! We have missed him greatly this past week but we know it will all be worth it! He sure is a hard worker!