Grayson's World

Monday, March 26, 2007

New Found Freedom

Grayson sure is loving every minute of this wonderful weather we are having. As you can see Grayson loves swinging and playing and checking out his new sandles. Grayson enjoys the fresh air and sunshine even more now that he realizes he has a whole new world right outside his door that he can actually walk around. It seems strange to see our little baby boy running all over the yard. I had to pull out Grayson's new shorts on Sunday. I think our son is better dressed than we are these days, welcome to parenthood! Grayson has been in his wagon, walking up and down the driveway, over and over... walking along the sidewalks and visiting with neighbors, Holly and Palmer. He got out the Easter eggs today and strung those all over the porch.

This past weekend, Grandpa and Grandma came and met us for lunch. That was lots of fun. Sunday was family day with Daddy. We played outside a lot, went out for lunch and did a little shopping. Marc will be very busy these next few weeks, getting ready for the big opening downtown. Grayson enjoys pointing to all the cars and saying 'Ca, Ca' for car. He loves balloons these days also. He says, 'boon, boon' for balloon. He looks like a big boy, my baby has disappeared!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Love that Chilren's Museum

Well, Grayson and I had a wonderful time at the Children's Museum! The Clifford exhibit was really cute and lots of fun! Grayson played in Clifford's area for about 30 min. There were all sorts of fun things to do. Now that Grayson is bigger, he could play with much more compared to last time we were there. He loved Science works also. They have a new exhibit called, "Health House.' It had an actual kitchen made for the little ones so they could open everything and explore. Grayson was fascinated with the refrigerator,as you can see and the noodles. Grayson enjoyed riding the carousel. As a matter of fact, he cried when the ride was over! Pitiful! After about 2 hours we headed back home. We were exhausted from all the fun!

We are both recovering from a serious ick we had gotten. It was a nasty virus. I am hoping with as sick we have both been this past month, we will have super immunity by this time next year. It makes me not want to take him to places like the museum. I think it was too much of a hot zone for this time of year. At least we had a good time. Hopefully tomorrow we can enjoy the warm weather out side for a bit as long as we are both feeling better.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What a Day!!!

Grayson had a big day today! He went to play group and then to the mall with me to do some shopping and eat lunch. Afterwards, we played in the play area in the mall. All this play has worn us out, in a good way!!

Mom's Day Out sign-up was a success. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. When I arrived, there were moms lined up around the building. One lady had been there since 7:00am. Wow!!! She was there for the pre-school program. I have to say, I feel very fortunate we were able to sign him up. Obliviously, this is a very competitive program!! I heard one mom say she had been trying to get in for 3 years! Grayson will attend on Fridays next school year for three hours! Once we are in the program, we don't have to go through that sign up again. He is automatically enrolled and any siblings he may have in the future! Thank goodness.

Grayson gave me his first real kiss last week. When I was leaving he leaned into me and pressed his lips against mine. Then, he did it 4 more times! My heart melted! The love we have for our children is truly amazing!We are keeping busy with play dates, parties etc. Tomorrow we are going to The Children's Museum. Can't wait!! Friday, our friend Holly is having her birthday party. She will be 3. What fun!!